
2 international connections for high internet availability

Teledata has 2 international connections for high internet availability provided by MainOne and WACS. Cables lying on the seafloor bring the internet to the world. They transmit 99 percent of international data, make transoceanic communication possible in an instant, and serve as a loose proxy for the international trade that connects advanced economies. There are 299 cables that are active, under construction, or will be funded by the end of this year.

Teledata uses 2 international connections for high internet availability to customers.

The cables are so widely used, as opposed to satellite transmission, because they’re so reliable and fast: with high speeds and backup routes available, they rarely fail. And that means they’ve become a key part of the global economy and the way the world connects. Here’s a map of all the underwater cables that connect the internet

Though cables to developing countries are expanding, they have a lot of work to do before they catch up. And Antarctica is left out completely (scientists down there get their internet from satellites).

Modern cables are surprisingly thin, considering how long they are and how deep they sink. Each is usually about 3 inches across. They’re actually thicker in more shallow areas, where they’re often buried to protect against contact with fishing boats, marine beds, or other objects. At the deepest point in the Japan Trench, cables are submerged under water 8,000 meters deep — which means submarine cables can go as deep as Mount Everest is high.

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