
How To Secure Your Password

How To Secure Your Password. Today there are so many apps and sites one has access to, one needs accounts for just about everything, from making simple purchases, accessing the bank, research and study resources, not to mention all of your social media and online accounts.

Keeping track and securing them can be almost impossible. Some prefer to use the same password for all, this is easier but puts you at risk of unauthorized intrusions, hacks and data breaches. Using a different password for all the sites and apps you’re signed up on, is the highly recommended. With the constant security violations in the headlines, we recommend these when thinking of passwords to use.

How To Secure Your Password. Always use a unique password for each application. Use different and unique passwords for everything from your bank account and ATM card to social media accounts.Using the same password for multiple purposes may be easier to remember, but it’s also how they can access everything you own and cherish.
Avoid using personal information like your passwords such as family names, birthdays, house numbers, phone numbers, etc. They are easy-to-hack – passwords.

This is tedious but also advisable, change your passwords periodically to reduce the chance of being hacked. Don’t just edit previous passwords by adding or removing letters and use them as new. This makes you vulnerable and predictable to anyone who wishes to access your private information.

How To Secure Your Password. The most important aspect of a strong password today is its length, regardless of what characters you use. A password like mulberry-street, which contains 14 letters is much stronger than even a complex password like 7Rl&rtP*h3. The first would take over 50 years to crack according to the website while the shorter password would take a few hours.

A series of 20 random characters would make the same software about a billion years. If you used a password that was 22 characters long, every star in the galaxy would burn out and grow cold before a hacker’s computer could figure it out. We recommend your password stay at least 15 characters and contain a mix of four different types of characters: upper & lower case letters, numbers and special characters like */”& always helps encrypt passwords and deter hacking.

Contact Teledata for more information on how to secure your password

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